
Let's Write A Meditation Together

Co-Creators Wanted ✍🏼 🧘🏻‍♂️

Okay, this is a bit of an experiment…

I am not sure if it will work, but I have a feeling it could be fun.

Do you want to help me write a guided meditation?

If so, all you need to do is reply to this and send me your favourite affirmations.

Even one single affirmation is more than enough. Or, if you have a few you really like, send them over.

I can’t promise I will use your affirmation. I say this because some affirmations might not work within my style of guided meditation.

But if I do use your affirmation, I will give you a special shoutout in the meditation description as one of the co-creators.

Sound like fun?

If so, reply to this email with your favourite affirmations or if you are seeing this on social media, you can either comment below or send me a direct message.

Big love,


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