
Want to Meet NEW You?

This meditation will help

A dangerous game to play in any major relationship is to be so preoccupied with what USED to be that we miss out on what’s happening NOW. So why do we do this to ourselves?

I’m in my 40s, and it’s taken me over a year to realize that the NEW ME is a very different dude from who I was a decade ago.

His core is the same as the old me, but he thrives under different circumstances. He has different tastes, needs, and desires.

At the beginning of 2024, the new me shared some non-negotiables:

• The new me needs movement every single day. The old me would go weeks or months without taking a (now mandatory) walk.

• The new me works out 7 days a week. This might sound extreme, but the workouts are less about big heavy weights and more about sustainable and supportive body nourishment.

• The new me does well with more sleep: 7 hours. The old me was more of a 5-hours-a-night type of guy.

• The new me meditates every day, but for not as long. 15-20 minutes is the sweet spot.

• The old me loved the news, but in a recent meditation the new me opened up about how online content impacts my mind and body. The new me doesn’t follow any news accounts.

• The new me rarely works past 6pm, and almost never on the weekends.

I’m doing my best to be present and honest with the new me, and to swap my old assumptions with an attitude of curiosity and excitement. It’s the same feeling as dating a new person.

The good news is you don’t need to wait a decade to meet the new you.

Yesterday at Artist Morning, I led a free guided meditation and journaling journey on this very topic. It was gentle and loving, but also direct and powerful.

The meditation will be on Insight Timer and YouTube in the next two weeks.

Now, I know we are in the middle of eclipse season and for many of us this is a great time for self-discovery. Maybe that means you don’t want to wait 2 weeks to get the meditation.

If this is you, and you’d like me to send you a high quality MP3 of the meditation right now, reply to this email with the words “new me” and I’ll send you a dropbox link.

Big love,


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